Just As I Thought

Trickle down

Everyday I find a chuckle at the George W. Bush: Evangelist blog. Today:

Bush says friends tell him economy is booming

President George W. Bush said today all his friends are doing better economically than they were four years ago, and that means ‘things are going great.’

“My friends are candid and honest with me,” Bush said in Los Angeles. “Just last night, my good buddy Merv Griffin told me he’s never been in better shape. We had a nice dinner party. Just Laura, me, Merv and a young fellow Merv is mentoring. Even the young fellow said his business has never been better.”

The president says he gets the same news from his old colleagues in the oil business. “Down in Texas, where I’m from, the yellow rose is flyin’ higher than me in a fighter jet.”

Bush was addressing a group of evangelical Republican kidney donors. Each member of the group pledges to sell a kidney, and donate the money to the GOP.

Group rules allow for the selling of a kidney by proxy; meaning a member can recruit someone else to donate a kidney – generally a poor person – pay them a modest fee – and donate the rest to the party. Some Republicans have donated dozens of kidneys by proxy. They get a tax receipt for each one.

“It’s trickle down economics at its purest,” the president said.

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