Just As I Thought

Tread lightly, for you tread on my atmosphere

What’s your carbon footprint?
The average is 15,000 pounds per year of carbon dioxide, the main contributor to global warming. Mine turns out to be 9,500, smaller than average — but still, larger than I’d like it to be. I think that this number is primarily due to the fact that I rarely drive since I work from home, and it’s a hybrid in any case.
Still, I’m flying more than 15,000 miles this year, which really bumps up that figure. What are the clean alternatives to flying? I figure the only one is to not go anywhere at all, I’m sure that driving 15,000 miles is worse considering that I’m not taking 200 other people in the car with me. If I didn’t fly at all, my footprint would be 4,900.
I’d like to think that I’ve done well in slimming down my carbon footprint; of course, this just points out the one major thing that drags my average down: my plasma TV. It is gorgeous and slim and has a beautiful picture, but man, it just sucks down the electricity like crazy.

1 comment

  • I feel better already. I’m at 1,800

    I’m sure it helps that I never fly and even though I drive to work its near to my home. In fact I’m switching over to a scooter soon.

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