The superhero worship phase. Amazing... I have the same haircut today.
July 25, 1971
There's nothing like the smell of wet dog...
Summer 1980
Do parents take these pictures as proof of purchase when the toys have disappeared in 3 months?
December 25, 1978
A warning to generation X: yes, there was a disco era. Herewith, evidence of those big collared, polyester days.
With my brother, Tony. September 1975
For the voyeurs who asked for a butt shot...
My grandmother's duck, Frankie. Mean. Really, really mean. (Oh, and ugly, too. But that never matters to grandmothers.)
January 1980
That Bill Gates look. Before the Bill Gates look was fashionable.
December 1986
Contemplating 33. Does that count as mid-thirties yet?
September 1999