Just As I Thought

Archive - July 2010

Via BoingBoing:
Iran’s ministry of culture has released a catalog of government-approved hair styles, in an effort to eliminate the menace of “decadent Western cuts.” According to the Islamic Republic News Agency, forbidden ‘dos include ponytails, mullets and spiky hair. But styles resembling those of Elvis Presley, Simon Cowell, or eighties-era floppy fringes are totally fine. Also, hair gel in moderation is acceptable. With the exception of goatees, facial hair is frowned upon.
Hey, all you “Tea Party” nutcases with your “give me back my freedom” bullshit: is the government dictating your Supercut? Then shut up. Also, isn’t it interesting that in a country ruled by hard line Islamists, facial hair is frowned upon? Shows how arbitrary religion is.