What a hypocritical world. Poor Fred Willard gets busted for what people get paid to do on Fox News 24 hours a day. (via @LOLGOP) July 24, 2012
RT @markmorford: Hello, Catholic church? Penn State here. Wanna get a drink and laugh about getting slapped on the wrist? http://t.co/CtRLMrV6 July 23, 2012
RT @LOLGOP: The last two Republican “businessmen” nominees for president? George W. Bush and Herbert Hoover. Any questions? July 23, 2012
RT @HaroldItz: CBS: one of the still-critical #aurora victims will have $2 million in medical bills. He has no insurance and his wife just gave birth. July 23, 2012
RT @TUSK81: Astronaut Sally Ride went to space for her country, but her country won’t recognize her decades-long female partner due to #DOMA. #lgbt July 23, 2012
RT @dorothysnarker: Sally Ride comes out via obituary. #hero #gayhero #samething http://t.co/kim90ag8 July 23, 2012
http://www.care2.com/causes/house-passes-gays-cant-marry-on-military-bases-amendment.html July 23, 2012