It first it seems like the IT guys are talking about work stuff. But then you realize that we don’t use gold, swords or elves here. June 13, 2012
There is a bird outside the window whose sing-songy chirping is exactly the same as the old Star Trek TOS viewer screen sound. June 13, 2012
“And then one day we could amend this thing so corporations could give endless money to buy elections.” -Thomas Jefferson (via @zachbraff) June 9, 2012
Are your streets too safe? Kids learning too much? Mitt Romney has the answer. (via @LOLGOP) June 8, 2012
Romney: We don’t need more firefighters! Times are tough. If your house is on fire, just move to one of your others! (via @MattBinder) June 8, 2012
Quran-Burning Pastor Terry Jones Places Hanging Obama Effigy with Gay Pride Flag Outside Gainesville June 8, 2012
Hey, AOL – that IPv6 Day ribbon on your sites today? That was a year ago. World IPv6 Launch was yesterday. #catchup June 7, 2012