When I imagine having billions of dollars, I dream of how many people I could help. Not how many I could buy. #WIrecall June 6, 2012
What would the world be like if churches spent as much time & money fighting poverty & injustice as they spend fighting equality? June 6, 2012
Walker: “To celebrate tonight’s victory, there’s no school for the rest of the decade.” http://t.co/Hlv4sXAS #WIrecall (via @BorowitzReport) June 5, 2012
Catholic Cardinal authorized $20K to pay priests who raped children, then railed against ‘immorality’ of gay marriage June 5, 2012
Conservatives are upset about high voter turnout in WI. ARE YOU SERIOUS? DO YOU PEOPLE KNOW HOW YOU SOUND? (via @amaeryllis) June 5, 2012
General Annoyances Space shuttle Enterprise damaged at sea, delivery to Intrepid delayed June 5, 2012