Shopping at Ross, where the signs direct you to the active tops and bottoms. Gayest outlet store EVER. February 18, 2012
RT @renae_jones: You know, amongst all the bills declaring zygotes as people, maybe we need bills reestablishing grown women are people. February 18, 2012
RT @BorowitzReport: Palin says that if one of the GOP candidates doesn’t work out she could step in, which I guess would make her Shemp. February 18, 2012
RT @KagroX: Virginia legislature: mandatory vaginal probing, yes; ban on texting while driving, no. Because of freedom. February 17, 2012
Unhealthy work habits: sat down at my desk at 7:45am and didn’t move from my chair until just now. February 16, 2012
RT @matthewbaldwin: When Time-Life gives you lemons you may keep them for lemonade, EVEN if you cancel your subscription to the 35-volume “Citrus Fruit” series. February 15, 2012