RT @thinkprogress: A family of 3 would have to remain on welfare for 328 years to receive as much gov’t assistance as Mitt Romney http://t.co/HbLCRV6s September 19, 2012
CNET’s iPhone 5 review: “iPhone fit just fine in my pants: the extra length has been traded out for less girth, so there’s little bulge.” September 19, 2012
Ronald Reagan originally proposed exempting the working poor from income taxes. He, Kemp, Quayle and others worked to make it happen. (via @TerryMoran) September 18, 2012
The entire Republican Party is a tax avoidance scheme and they’re mad at the Americans who don’t pay taxes? (via @LOLGOP) September 18, 2012
RT @HenryADecker: Are you better off than you were 4 years ago? Ryan, Boehner, and these other GOP Reps. sure are: http://t.co/CMfOA1EI September 18, 2012
RT @RBReich: “My job is not to care about those people,” says Mitt. That says it all. http://t.co/bajSzdWS September 18, 2012
RT @dcshorts: Thanks for making the festival 20% bigger than last year! Our amazing audiences, volunteers and filmmakers made for an amazing 11 days. September 18, 2012
Job Creationist – n. someone who believes you keep feeding the rich until the explode into jobs http://t.co/BOBrXsC7 (via @LOLGOP) September 18, 2012
Reminder: 7,000 millionaires paid no income tax in 2010. http://t.co/XvLjrc0a (via @LOLGOP) September 18, 2012