Just As I Thought

Post-Election Incredulity

There is a law on the books in New Mexico which survived a repeal effort this past election day. It states that, among others, idiots are not eligible to vote.
If only this rule were enforced everywhere.

There is a law on the books in New Mexico which survived a repeal effort this past election day. It states that, among others, idiots are not eligible to vote.
If only this rule were enforced everywhere.
Are so many people so very weak willed and stupid? Handing the Congress and Senate to the President is a bad idea in the best of times, but now — with this President — it is suicidal.

Do these people see things so very differently from me? What I see is this: since G.W. Bush took office, our economy has dematerialized. Our country has been savagely attacked. His foreign policy began as nothing, and has become a unilateral dictatorship. The business tycoons with which he has colluded and coddled have been exposed as criminals and when their empires fell, they took hundreds of thousands of jobs and millions of retirement accounts with them. Bush wants desperately to redeem the family name: The war with Iraq under Bush I wasn’t finished, so Bush II wants to destroy Iraq along with world peace. The economy wasn’t quite bad enough in 1989, so he wants to show us how bad it could REALLY be – but make sure we cut taxes on the aforementioned business tycoons.

In the midst of unprecedented prosperity and peace in this country, Congressional Republicans (and a few silly Democrats) tried to impeach President Clinton. For having sex with a pudgy intern and lying about it. [Something no Republican has ever done, certainly.] What does G.W. Bush have to do to earn impeachment? Murder thousands of people? Well, just wait… but I digress.

I won’t even mention the unbelieveable oversight of the American people to connect the two oil executives in the White House with all that is happening – at least, not too many mentions. (Struck down higher mileage standards, willing to go to war to secure enough oil to keep those SUVs guzzling away while sitting in traffic on city streets…).

Gridlock is good, people. Believe it or not, that’s what the Founders had in mind when they drafted our system of government. Gridlock keeps the minority from being swept away and ensures that – usually – what legislation is finally passed is not so extreme. Take a good look at the actual voting records of Republican senators and representatives (and a few Democrats, too) and ask yourself if they are really your representatives – or do they represent some group or company?

One more thing: I have an idea. Instead of raising a sales tax (like Virginia just proposed and lost), why not add $1 tax to a gallon of gas? This country has the cheapest gas prices in the world – even lower than those in oil-producing countries – and we waste it like we waste water. If you had to pay $2.50 a gallon, would you buy an SUV to drive to work and to the grocery store? Or would you buy an efficient hybrid or other car that got 50mpg? If that trend started, what would be the outcome? Well, just speculation, but: 1) fewer deadly accidents caused by collisions between SUVs and anything else by people who don’t know how to drive their trucks; 2) less pollution and greenhouse gases in the number one greenhouse country; 3) significantly less reliance on oil from the Middle East, helping us extricate ourselves from that morass…
Just an idea.

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