Just As I Thought

On the air… on the edge of your seat!

You can hear the glee in Dan Raviv’s voice on the CBS Radio Network. Listening on the way home, I was horrified by his cavalier delivery, sounding thrilled that he was able to tell us all the latest, juicy news. I couldn’t record what he was saying, but here I’ve paraphrased part of his style:

We now go to an exciting place, Iraq! Rob Milson is there live.

Throughout the broadcast, this guy was bubbling over with happiness about the war, using such casual prose and generally being so over the top that even the reporter live in the field with troops made a comment like “exciting is hardly the word that people here would use.” Could Raviv’s happiness stem from the fact that he is heavily biased toward Israel? Check out his bio for a speaker’s bureau, listing his various writings on the subject. Hardly what I’d call a dispassionate and unbiased reporter… but then again, what reporter is these days?
Right now I’ve tuned in the NBC affiliate who are simulcasting the MSNBC coverage – again, the anchor is hosting this as if it’s an exciting sporting event, giving stats and seemingly enjoying the pace and excitement. Only NPR seems to be treating this event with the solemnity and sense of weight I believe it deserves. This is not a happy day, and war is not a thrilling spectacle.

[A little note: now that I re-read the above post, I feel almost like I veered into a Moran-like tangent. My search for a reason Dan Raviv was so thrilled by war was temporarily satisfied by his list of pro-Israel writings, and I simply made an assumption that this must be what I was looking for. Instead, I should have realized that I can’t make assumptions about someone’s motives without any real evidence or understanding of that person. But he REALLY disgusted me. Really.]

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