Just As I Thought

That’s a spicy onion

The Onion’s special war coverage has been published… some of my favorite blurbs:

Vital Info On Iraqi Chemical Weapons Provided By U.S. Company That Made Them
BALTIMORE—The Pentagon has obtained vital information on Iraqi chemical weapons from Alcolac International, the Baltimore-based company that sold them to the Mideast nation in the ’80s. “It’s terrifying what Iraq has,” Pentagon spokesman James Reese said Monday. “Saddam possesses massive stockpiles of everything from ethylene to thiodiglycol, according to sales records provided by Alcolac.” The Pentagon has also been collecting key intelligence on Iraqi nuclear weapons and guidance systems from Honeywell, Unisys, and other former U.S. suppliers to Iraq.

U.S. Forms Own U.N.
WASHINGTON, DC—Frustrated with the United Nations’ “consistent, blatant regard for the will of its 188 member nations,” the U.S. announced Monday the formation of its own international governing body, the U.S.U.N.
“The U.N. has repeatedly demonstrated an inability to act decisively in carrying out actions the U.S. government deems necessary,” U.S.U.N. Secretary General Colin Powell said. “Every time we tried to get something accomplished, it inevitably got bogged down in procedural policies, bureaucratic formalities, and Security Council votes.”
“I predict the U.S.U.N. will be extremely influential in world politics in the coming decades,” Powell continued. “In fact, you can count on it.”

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