Just As I Thought

Quote of the day

“I have no problem with gay people, I’ve always been in the world of the theatre and interior design.”

Heard on “Morning Edition” this morning, from a Massachusetts justice of the peace who is resigning rather than perform same-sex marriages.
She’s resigning? Sounds to me like she has a problem with gay people.
And a problem with stereotypes.


  • Jeff and I were talking about that segment, too. I say good riddance. Given her comments that the JPs had been expecting that they could be “conscientious objectors” and not have to perform gay marriages, and that they’d been told they’d have an easy-to-use web site noting JPs that were willing to perform gay marriages to whom they could refer the gay couples for whom they weren’t willing to observe the law, I’d love to see more homophobic JPs resign. Can you imagine if a JP tried to tell an interracial couple, “Well, I can’t in good conscience marry you two, because it’s against the will of God, so you’ll have to go elsewhere. Why don’t you look on http://www.massmiscegenation.com to find someone who’s willing to marry perverts like you?” It’s been interesting to have these Massachusetts gay marriages stories coinciding with the pieces being done on NPR all week about the anniversary of Brown v. Board of Education.

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