Just As I Thought


The upcoming vote on amending the constitution has me flummoxed. I’m horrified that this is happening. All the comments against the amendment so far seen to be leaning more toward how unfair it is, etc. I take the view that it’s not only unfair, it’s un-American. It’s downright Talibanesque. How do the neo-cons reconcile that one?
This is my letter to my representatives in the Senate, Senator Warner and Senator Allen:

I am an American, and this is not what America means to me. And it’s not what it means to the millions of people around the world who look to America as a beacon of freedom, a land where liberty is more than just a slogan.

I am an American. I am equal in all respects to every other American. My freedom and equality are guaranteed by the founding documents. The very idea of tampering with one of those documents in order to enshrine discrimination in law turns my stomach. The idea of making a class of Americans inherently less equal is horrifying and not what this country stands for.

I am an American. I am your constituent. While I did not choose you to represent me, nonetheless, you do. This hateful and un-American legislation does not represent my wishes, nor does it represent the wishes of most other Americans. You must vote against this amendment. You must.

Other countries — North Korea, Afghanistan under the Taliban, Saudi Arabia, Iraq — may find it easy to legalize discrimination against a certain class of citizens. The horrors of this are clearly seen in the treatment of women, homosexuals, and other minorities in such countries. Our leaders speak often in this day and age of American freedom and liberty, while fighting against the very regimes they now hope to emulate. I simply cannot — and will not — believe that America will follow their lead by amending the foundation of this nation with the same kind of evil.

I repeat, this constituent directs you to vote AGAINST the “Federal Marriage Amendment.”


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