Just As I Thought

Static in the morning

Is it just me, or does every program on NPR now sound like every other program?
I’ve recently noticed that I don’t listen to Morning Edition like I used to when Bob Edwards was hosting. I used to wake up to it at 7, and listen all the way until 10am — hearing the same two hours repeated a few times. But now, I turn it off, opting instead to listen to music. It’s because of the “new” sound.
Morning Edition used to have a sound all it’s own, starting with Bob Edwards and enhanced by the kind of stories they aired. But about a year ago, something changed; and today it seems like Morning Edition is just a re-run of All Things Considered from the day before. In fact, many of the stories are directly lifted from ATC.
NPR is slowly but surely becoming bland and preachy. And when NPR is no longer worth listening to, I might as well sew my ears shut.

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