Just As I Thought

One stop stupidity (part two)

And so that you can easily refute the lies of the Bush administration spin meisters, here is a detailed timeline showing when and what happened. For instance:

  • August 26: Gov. Blanco delcares state of emergency in LA
  • August 27: Gov. Barbour declares state of emergency in MS; Federal emergency declared and FEMA given authority to respond
  • August 28: Bush and Chertoff warned of levee failure
  • August 29: Levee breached; FEMA requests 1,000 personnel to area, gives them 2 days to arrive; Bush stumps for Medicare drug benefit in west
  • August 30: Chertoff becomes aware of yesterday’s levee break; Bush plays guitar and continues his vacation
  • August 31: Condoleeza Rice sees “Spamalot”; thousands in Gulf region stranded, no help in evidence
  • September 1: Bush claims no one could have foreseen levee break that he was warned about 4 days ago; Rice goes shoe shopping
  • September 2: Rove campaign of shifting blame begins; “Brownie, you’re doing a heck of a job”
  • September 3: Administration says that Blanco never issued state of emergency (see August 26); blames local officials

I’m so glad that the internet has made record keeping so much easier.

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