Just As I Thought

They used to call it payola

Okay, I understand that these days the entire economy is borne on the back of advertising, but this is just too much: I’m watching Medium from last night, and they’re giving so much attention to a movie that it is obviously product placement — it has no bearing on the story, but we’re hit over the head with the full page ad one character holds up, the huge backlit posters at the theatre, the logos at the ticket booth… and then, at the next commercial break, there’s the actual commercial for the movie.
I mean, it’s only television, so the fact that the show seems cheapened by this is really saying something.


  • Of course, the 3D episode requires glasses that are only available by buying a copy of TV Guide, so now they’ve taken product placement to a point where a purchase is necessary to watch the show…

  • I noticed that too! I was talking to my dad and we were discussing how I think this was the first time a movie has been “advertised” within a television series like the way it was in Medium.

    Can’t wait for 3D Medium!

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