Just As I Thought

The F Word

Monday night, as I drove home from San Francisco, I heard a story on the news about a “hate crime” in San Jose. Someone had burned a “word” into someone’s lawn; but during the entire story the reporter never uttered the word, making only oblique references to it. I was completely mystified at the end of the story, I couldn’t for the life of me figure out what the word could be other than the “N” word.
The word turns out to have been FAG.
I’m really astounded that KCBS didn’t have the journalistic courage to mention the word, when the newspaper seems to have had no problem. Is KCBS being overly PC? Are they trying to be considerate of the large gay population in the bay area?
I think they did a disservice by not disclosing the word and thus hiding the victimized group being discussed.

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