Just As I Thought

Polite people talk about the weather

I know that things like this average out over nature’s long timescales, but as a short-lived human I can’t help but ascribe significance to the weather these days. It is just karma playing itself out.
This morning I woke up to a freezing house, reminding me of life back in wintry Virginia with a useless heat pump. (Who decided that heat pumps are efficient in a climate with such extremes? Heat pumps need heat in the air to pump. Here in sunny warm California, we have gas heat. Weird. Backwards.)
It was in the 30s this morning here, and we don’t expect it to make it much above 50° again today. And you know what the forecast is for Washington, DC? 84°.
This is retribution for my gloating over the sunny warm winter in San Jose.
Of course, by the end of the week we will see the inverse: San Jose up in the 60s, and DC down in the 40s.
I’m disappointed by the weather for another reason: my mother is coming to San Jose to visit me this week, which is nice. It remains to be seen if any other relatives or friends fly out to see me here; at least now I live in a “destination” instead of just inside the Beltway!
I’m mulling over the idea of having a big splashy birthday party this August for my 40th. I’m envisioning an evening under the stars on the patio, some champagne, stuff like that. Of course, the big hurdle is that 99% of people I know are back on the east coast. This means a lot of advance planning, as well as a desire on the part of the invitees to spend a little money and fly 6 hours to get here. But who knows? Maybe I’ll be surprised. And if I can get myself a job, I might be able to offset the costs.
That was a good segue, huh? Today I have an interview with a headhunter/placement/temp agency. It will be interesting to see what they can find for me. I feel kind of good about this — I am not desperate for a job, and if the right one isn’t on offer, I don’t think it will phase me too much. That said, it would be nice to get out of the house where I sit all day in front of this computer. Having someone other than the dog to talk to would be a big change.
So, this will be a busy week. Besides the above, I have a ton of errands to run, a couple freelance projects to finish up, and the big new website I mentioned before needs to be done and in beta testing before the end of the week. (That’s why my sites were out this weekend — the server was updated and moved to a new internet connection in preparation. See? I do actually plan these things.)
Momentous things are afoot for the spring, and there is a lot to do…

1 comment

  • I used the Air Conditioning in my Tahoe for the first time, it was so freakin warm for once…85 in the city of fairfax, according to the bank i passed…. but it snowed a week later…what the hell is going on?

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