Just As I Thought

Not enough hours

Oops… sorry, I forgot that the point of having a blog is to actually post entries in it.
I’m really busy at the moment — doctor’s appointments, loads of work to get done (and yet, still not making enough money to live on), and getting ready for this weekend.
The big party. My 40th. Well, actually, my 40th birthday isn’t until the 14th, but this weekend turned out to be the best to accommodate everyone’s schedule — I’ve got friends and family flying in for the festivities.
So, shopping. Cleaning. Landscaping. All that stuff to get the house ready for my guests.
I probably still won’t be posting very often through the rest of the week; tomorrow I have some kind of “mapping” procedure on the blood vessels in my leg, followed by more work and grocery shopping for 4 days of meals with a bunch of guests. It’s going to be a crazy weekend, shuttling all over the bay area…


  • Don’t over do it.

    Your friends won’t care if the backyard is perfect but they will want to see their friend happy and healthy.

    Have a great time!

  • gene, i wish i could have flown out for the party bro, but i am finally in the phase of moving out and scraping every penny to save…whether dad believes it or not…lol…

    hope the party was a blast!

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