Just As I Thought

Seeing the light

Well, that was a miscalculation — I bought a bunch of LED lights this year, figuring that I’d be a bit green and not use so much electricity lighting my Christmas tree. Big mistake.
The LED lights give a very bluish light, which doesn’t work so well with my gold and red color scheme. On top of this, the lights are extremely bright and directional, like little spotlights. Looking directly at the tree in the wrong place leaves spots on my retinas; they throw light around the room like halogen pin lights.
As if that’s not enough, the LED lights also flicker — almost imperceptibly, but it is enough to be annoying if you’re susceptible to such things.
I don’t really want to un-decorate the tree now, so I’m stuck with them. But next year, it’s back to soft, twinkly incandescent lights for me.
This is a consumer message from me to you. Learn from my mistakes.

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