Just As I Thought

A Harry Situation

You know by now that I can find connections in almost anything — so I can’t help but wonder if there is any connection between tomorrow’s planned announcement of the withdrawal of British troops from Iraq, and the earlier in the week story about Prince Harry being scheduled for deployment to Iraq by the end of the month?
Can you imagine anything inflaming the British public’s anti-war stance more than the wounding — or death — of Diana’s second son and the third in line for the throne?
And is anyone else laughing at the spin from the White House, claiming that the Brits are withdrawing because the situation has improved so much that the Iraqis can take over for them? I split a gut at that one.

1 comment

  • Well, Harry’s apparently all gung-ho to go. What a bizarre and horrific international incident if he were to be captured though. I don’t even want to think about it. I think his presence there would be endangering his fellow soldiers.

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