Just As I Thought

Accentuate the positive

I swear, is there anyone left on the face of this planet who thinks that Fox News is an actual, real, balanced news outlet? Really? Seriously? I don’t think there has ever been a more obvious propaganda source in this nation’s history. It is so bare-faced that it’s really, really funny. Case in point, yesterday’s conviction of Scooter Libby on four counts of perjury (by the way, that’s 4 more counts than Bill Clinton was found guilty of, and I’m not even gonna go into the difference between a sexual liaison and the leaking of a covert CIA operative in order to discredit an administration critic).
Fox News, always offering an optimistic slant on the news, instead gives us this take on the trial’s outcome:

I wonder what the caption will say when he is led off to prison? “Hero jailed for years of service to his country?”


  • Can they even say stuff like that with a straight face?

    I was surprised how much the jurors spoke out afterwards. “He was obviously just a scapegoat; where’s Karl Rove!?”

  • I was watching Fox News when the verdict came down. They announced immediately that Libby had been convicted on four of five counts. Only much later in the day did Britt Hume appear. Libby was not convicted of lying to the FBI. This seems like very fair and balanced reporting of a wholly political verdict. A juror came out and said that the jury felt that Libby was taking the fall for someone else. If that was the case how could they convict?

  • They convicted because he was guilty of the charges. That doesn’t mean others were innocent.

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