Just As I Thought

Today’s hot tip

If, like me, you own a convertible roadster with a black leather interior;
and if, like me, you live in a place where the temperature in May sometimes tops ninety degrees;
and if, like me, you value your tender posterior;
do not leave the top down when you park the car in the sun.

That is all.


  • I lived in Hawaii and had an MG Midget Roadster with black leather seats so I understand all too well.

    However you may call your car a roadster if you like but my understanding is a roadster is British term for British cars. (Was Nancy Drew British?)

    American – Convertible
    British – Roadster
    Italian – Spider
    German – Cabriolet or Cabrio

  • Well, the official name of my car is TT Roadster Quattro; and I certainly prefer “roadster” to “convertible.” The latter is more descriptive of, say, a big Chrysler. “Roadster” more properly describes a small two-seater with that James Dean kind of vibe…

  • Heehee, to this day, when I read the word ‘roadster’ all I can think about is reading my mother’s ancient Nancy Drew books as a kid (how gay was I? I read Nancy Drew, not Hardy Boys), and Nancy’s car was always referred to as her ‘roadster,’ and back then I though it seemed quaint and dated, but I guess the term has come back around again.

  • You’re right, of course! Audi does call it the “TT Roadster Quattro”, VW and Porsche still use the the Cabriolet or Cabrio designation I wonder why Audi broke ranks and went with Roadster? Aren’t they all part of the same big family? Who cares?

    What really matters is the SPM (Smiles Per Miles) and the TT Roadster rates extremely high on the SPM charts.

    I recommend Hy 1 right on the water, one trip north and one trip south, and having done the drive several times I would be hard pressed to think of a better car than the one you have in your driveway right now!

  • I’m getting ready to plop down a few bucks for a Jeep. So, when the top’s down on that baby what do I call it? It aint no spider that’s for sure.
    I suppose it’s still just “Jeep.”
    (I think my imaginary penis just grew 5 inches thinking about that).

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