Just As I Thought

Every one of them makes me sick

You know, I almost feel like if there was a single Republican who didn’t follow the party talking points, who didn’t continually use the word “Democrat” when he should be saying “Democratic”, who didn’t use the name “Clinton” more than the name “Bush,” who doesn’t invoke Monica Lewinsky, who doesn’t pretend that George W. Bush didn’t happen… well, dammit. I’d vote for him.
I don’t think I’m in any danger of finding that candidate.
Frankly, it might not be so bad for them to continue to evoke the Clinton administration — just FYI, that ended SEVEN YEARS AGO — because so many people are now looking back at those eight years at the end of the 20th century as a golden era. The economy was booming, housing was stable, gas was $1.50 a gallon, and we didn’t have to get undressed, fingerprinted, tattooed, and scrutinized when we went to the airport. I think that running against the Clintons will not get them what they want this time.
And there is nothing more funny than all these lackluster old white men scrambling over each other trying to prove that each one is more conservative than the last. I can’t wait to see how they wriggle out of this early posturing later on, when they have to twist themselves back to the center after they’ve locked up the fundamentalist nutjob base of the party. After all, they can’t seriously believe that after the last eight years of dogma that the American citizenry are anxious to elect another conservative fundamentalist. Can they?

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