Just As I Thought

Things that make you go ew

Dear Target:

I know this “Christmas Creep” phenomenon has been going on for many years now, but I am getting worried. We live in an era where jokes are increasingly becoming real, satire about the Bush administration suddenly turns into reality and things are being taken to their ridiculous extremes every day. But still, Christmas in September? At this rate, you’ll be selling Easter candy before the Halloween candy is even stale.

And putting a countdown on display just makes it all the more absurd. “Shop now! Time’s running out! You only have THREE MONTHS!”

Speaking of Halloween candy, I’m having trouble wrapping my mind around this one.

Seriously. Zac Efron may be thought of as candy, but I’m not sure I want him all gummy and stuck to my back teeth. Still, it is rather spooky.

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