Just As I Thought

This has happened before and will happen again

My jaw dropped when I read this; although given the Republican predilection for stupid speeches you’d think I wouldn’t be surprised.

From Republican National Committee Chairman Michael Steele [at the Conservative Political Action Conference on Thursday]:

“Tonight, we tell America: we know the past, we know we did wrong. My bad. But we go forward in appreciation of the values that brought us to this point.” [CNN]

Let’s do the most cursory of deconstruction, shall we?
“We know we did wrong. My bad.” Wha? Decades of destructive policies, fattening the rich and destroying the economy, alienating the rest of the world, causing countless deaths, creating a new police state, ceding American freedom into a fundamentalist Christian version of the Taliban, etc. etc… and all you have to say is “My Bad?” Okay, no prob dude, all is forgiven.

“But we go forward in appreciation of the values that brought us to this point.” Um, aren’t the values that brought you to this point the very same values you just acknowledged were wrong? As we saw in Gov. Jindal’s remarks earlier this week, the Republicans have nothing new to say and after acknowledging their missteps they go right back to stepping them again.

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