Just As I Thought

Of Propositions and Proposals

Think about it. There’s really only one reason to vote for California’s Proposition 8 — to insert yourself into other people’s business. Which, of course, is the raison d’être of the fundamentalists out there.
Did you have any say in the marriage of your neighbors down the street? Did you get to vote on whether a couple on the other side of town got married?
In short, what the hell business is it of yours, pal?
We have some pretty good technology, but other than that we’re still cave dwellers at heart. And every time an election comes around, the xenophobia gets more and more pronounced. The idea that someone would vote to actively discriminate against another person because they are different — well, it makes me want to wretch. It is shocking how many people think that someone who isn’t like them is simply less of a human being.
I’ll tell you this: if Prop 8 passes, I’m gonna be putting together a petition for a new proposition: that all couples who want to get married must submit themselves to a public referendum. Their marriage can’t proceed until a majority of voters approve it. The fundamentalists — like the Mormons, who are substantially bankrolling this discriminatory proposition — should object to this idea, since they’re all about making sure marriage benefits society and brings forth children. We’ll vote based on whether or not the couple is fertile. And if they don’t bring forth children within, say, 1 year… well, their marriage is dissolved automatically. ‘Cos marriage is all about having children, right?
While we’re at it, I don’t see the Mormons supporting a proposition banning divorce or forcing absent fathers to help raise their children. Gosh, aren’t they serious about traditional marriage and it’s important role in society? It wasn’t so long ago that interracial marriage was verboten, and the racists then claimed that they were trying to save traditional marriage as designed by God.
Did God change Her mind?

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