It’s always such a pain to redo my home page with the rant du jour – pardon my French – so, a lil’ blog will now be my primary way of venting. Enjoy!
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Hmm… I’m more awake and luci…
Hmm… I’m more awake and lucid at 4am than I am at 7am.
December 14, 2009
The Newest Worst Ever
Here it is, the answer to a question I don’t recall asking: the new Doctor Who logo for 2010… By way of comparison, here’s the previous logo we loved to hate: I don’t wanna be one of those fans [more...]
October 6, 2009
The Chalk Bomber of Ann Arbor Strikes With a Blitzkrieg of Cuteness
These make me wish i could draw.
October 27, 2012