Finally, one-stop shopping on the web to learn how to defeat the mind-controlling circuitry in cell phone towers, avoid the brain-washing signals in movies like Scooby-Doo, and learn the truth behind the reptilian aliens that secretly run our world. You’ll find it all at, a site that is not afraid to tell the whole, unvarnished – if obstruse – truth about the massive alien and government conspiracy that is shaping our mind-controlled future.
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Spying by the numbers
Ryan Silva describes some of the odd shortwave signals out there that transmit streams of numbers accompanied by snippets of what one can only assume are codes in the form of music. It’s creepy, scary, and [more...]
April 26, 2003
Remote control
I had an entry here that I had to delete because of a confidentiality agreement I signed. Sorry. Song going through my head this morning: “Monchichi”, the old commercial jingle. Somebody please put me out of [more...]
October 3, 2004
It’s All In Your Head
Finally — you can watch my latest 48 Hour Film project online. If you’ve got QuickTime 6 or 7, just click here.
May 26, 2005