Just As I Thought

Where do these numbers come from?

As I mentioned earlier this month, the President is hawking his tax cuts using a hypothetical family of four making $40,000 annually. During his speech last night, he said

This tax relief is for everyone who pays income taxes — and it will help our economy immediately. Ninety-two million Americans will keep — this year — an average of almost $1,100 more of their own money. A family of four with an income of 40,000 dollars would see their federal income taxes fall from $1,178 dollars to $45 dollars per year. And our plan will improve the bottom line for more than 23 million small businesses.

Maybe it’s because I am single with no dependents. Maybe it’s because I don’t cheat on my taxes. Whatever the reason, I can’t figure out why I pay almost three times as much in taxes as that hypothetical family when I only make 1/4 more in salary. And I have to once again question the math: if he is reducing taxes by that significant an amount, how in the hell is he going to pay for this war? For the new, larger government? For the 4% increase in discretionary spending? For the $15 billion on AIDS in Africa and the Caribbean?

As the president of a home owners association, I can tell you it is a delicate juggling act, bringing in revenue and allocating it carefully. I can certainly tell you that I could never propose cutting association fees and then increase our spending. Isn’t that just common sense? Something that this President seems to be lacking. My two-year-old niece is going to inherit a system that is not has a deficit of hundreds of trillions, but has the added problems of a busted Social Security system and huge government in the form of Big Brother agencies.

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