Happy Valentine’s Day!
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Our Little Katie
It’s kind of weird, this news that Katie Couric will be the new anchor of CBS Evening News. Who could have guessed that the hometown girl would follow in the footsteps of Walter Cronkite and Dan Rather? You see [more...]
April 5, 2006
Facts about my hotel, #1
If you’re looking for a place to stay in Austin, this is it. I first heard about the Hotel San Jose on the television show “Great Hotels,” and it looked, well, great! In fact, there’s more to [more...]
August 27, 2005
Fly the dangerous skies
As devotees of “Lost” know, Oceanic airlines is the carrier to avoid. Now tonight, on the disaster miniseries “Category 6” on CBS, an airliner marked “Oceanic” is hit by lightning [more...]
November 14, 2004