Just As I Thought

Just filling space.

I have been doing so well of late, making entries here every day. March was chock full of bloggy goodness. So, here I sit at the 11th hour – literally – trying to get an entry in to keep the streak going.
There’s no good reason that I didn’t have an entry today. I just hung out, cleaned a little, did a bit of work, went to dinner with a friend, and watched Futurama. (Here’s a tidbit about how badly Fox treats this show: there was no promotion at all for this episode, which reveals a crucial plot point that shows how the main character, Fry, is critical to the survival of the universe. Anyway, this episode was part of season 3, and was held back until now – one year after the episode that followed it was aired. Which itself was one year late. Confused? Me too. This is now season 5, and they are showing a season 3 program. And it seems that this episode will be the last of this season unless something changes suddenly, meaning that Fox has shown only 8 episodes this year. There are still several left that haven’t been seen… so I guess season 6 will consist of those. There were only 4 seasons worth made.
I hate Fox.
Luckily, the DVD sets have begun to arrive. I only hope they don’t spread the DVDs out over 6 years, too.

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