Jeff points out that an article in Slate mentions a series of DC blogs (including his), and in a dubious distinction, I am the only blogger mentioned by name. Of the 600-odd entries here, article author Brian Montopoli links to one which talks about location – how housing prices change depending where you are, as well as how attitudes to life change. My point was that people in Phoenix probably don’t worry as much about a terrorist attack, but my location makes it a danger. He pulls one facetious sentence about getting terrorism insurance and makes it the point of the entry. Time to fess up – I have never tried to purchase terrorism insurance (although the master insurance for our condo development went sky-high this year in response to terrorism and we had to change carriers). I simply used it as an example of how it’s different to live here.
Poor Thom – he lives mere blocks from the Pentagon as opposed to my mile-distant house, but he didn’t get mentioned in the article.
I don’t worry about terrorism insurance anyway, since I’m banking on just being vaporized instantly.