Just As I Thought

I feel much safer

The Department of Homeland Security chose Windows computers despite the years of evidence of their instability and built-in lack of security. When that new department was established recently, did they not have a chance to make wise decisions based upon years of knowledge that came before? Had there never been a Windows security advisory before they made their computer platform choice?
So, they now must post advisories about the latest virus or security problem inherent in that crappy system.
Brilliant. This is a government department that knows a lot about security, eh?

A virus-like infection that was the subject of urgent US government and industry warnings spread rapidly on Monday across the internet, causing computers to mysteriously restart and co-ordinating an electronic attack against Microsoft.

Security experts said the infection, which exploits an unusually dangerous flaw in Windows software, wasn’t yet seriously disrupting internet traffic but posed that risk.

Whenever these virus warnings crop up, I just sit back and chuckle a little bit, realizing that I have a Mac and I don’t need to worry about it.

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