Remember the story a week or two ago about the congressional Republicans stealing confidential computer files from the Democrats?
How come that story disappeared immediately without being picked up by big media outlets?
Remember the story a week or two ago about the congressional Republicans stealing confidential computer files from the Democrats?
How come that story disappeared immediately without being picked up by big media outlets?
A tongue in cheek piece from Al Kamen today: Reporters keep whining about how the Bush administration insists it has never made a mistake, never changed policy and so on. But over the weekend, none other than Iraq [more...]
This is too funny not to post in its entirety. From Dana Milbank: Ever since the invasion of Iraq in 2003, the coming months have always been crucial and critical: “You only have about the next six months.” [more...]
Okay, so , never let it be said that I am strictly partisan — now that there will be a Democratic-led Congress for the first time since I started blogging, let’s see how long it takes them to do something [more...]
BECAUSE – the cons staged a phony ricin attack in Bill Frist’s office a a distraction. How convenient… shut down the senate office building for a few days and purge all evidence of the illicit snooping while nobody’s around.
Cripes, did Frist ever milk that one for all it’s worth! He seems proud to have been a target, and loves using the “T” word, even though law enforcement has been saying (quietly) that it’s a criminal act, not a terrorist act.
Isn’t it also interesting that the White House chimed in saying that they’d been sent one, too, but didn’t tell anyone? Can you imagine the White House not telling anyone that it had been a terrorist target? Heck, remember on September 11 when they kept insisting that Air Force One was being targeted?