Just As I Thought

The cart before the horse

As usual, the Discovery Channel passes off propaganda and conjecture as truth.
A show called “JFK: Death in Dealey Plaza” starts with an assumption — that there was another gunman on the grassy knoll — and proceeds to explain why the films don’t show him. They place the blame on amateur photographers who didn’t use the right filters or film stock; and over and over state that if the photographers had used today’s high resolution films, that they would have seen the guy behind the fence. In a series of recreations, the producers of the program place a man on the knoll, then take photographs using vintage cameras. When the man shows up clearly in the recreated film, they still don’t take this as evidence that the man was there — they then point out that any professional hit man would have stayed out of sight, which then begs the question as to why they’re bothering to examine the photos.
They’ve taken the conspiracy theory as fact. I’m betting that a lot of historians and forensic experts would have a fit over this. It reminds me of the Bush administration, putting the cart before the horse and then only later coming up with justification for their actions.

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