I think the Fark entry says it best:
Condoleezza Rice buckles to pressure: Agrees to provide meaningless, unhelpful testimony before irrelevant committee of congressional idiots
I think the Fark entry says it best:
Condoleezza Rice buckles to pressure: Agrees to provide meaningless, unhelpful testimony before irrelevant committee of congressional idiots
Boy, tomorrow is going to be an incredibly depressing day. It’s not enough that we can expect the regressive ultra-right Alito to be confirmed to the Supreme Court; but we’ll also have Dubya gloating about [more...]
The Washington Post, Sunday, March 21, 2004; Page B06 Now that the Spanish government is criticizing American war policy in Iraq [news story, March 18], I await a congressional declaration that “Spanish [more...]
I think it’s just so appropriate that Rosa Parks will lie in honor in the Capitol Rotunda. She will be the first woman to do so; and the symbolism of having this woman, who simply got tired of being treated as a [more...]