Just As I Thought

Another thing that confuses me

The White House today declassified and released the August 2001 memo that everyone was interested in. What interests me, however, is the fact that yesterday they said it would be delayed. In this morning’s Post:

White House officials, after indicating Thursday that the briefing document could be declassified within a day, announced yesterday that they were delaying any release until at least next week.

But then, boom — this afternoon they changed their minds.
I don’t know what to make of the White House’s strange and sudden changes of heart lately. Are they simply caving in to public pressure? Are they uncertain of what moves they should make politically? It certainly seems that the political attention to detail that was the hallmark of the first few years have petered out in favor of confusion. Is Karl Rove no longer a steady force at the helm? What’s happening over there?

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