To all the people who have given their time, their blood, their lives for their fellow Americans… and their fellow man.
Thank you.
To all the people who have given their time, their blood, their lives for their fellow Americans… and their fellow man.
Thank you.
I’m not sure, but I think I just experienced an earthquake — it could be coincidence and something akin to wishful thinking, but something happened. About 15 minutes ago, I was laying here in bed with the [more...]
How weird is it that there was that band in the 80s called “Katrina and the Waves?”
I mean, the only thing more prophetic would have been a band called “Katrina and the Storm Surge.”
You know, after reading the story about the woman who was trampled by mad consumers out to pick up a cheap DVD player, I stopped for a moment to think about the DVD player itself. It was $30. And that’s not the [more...]