If Viacom-owned CBS stations are going to be fined about $27,500 each for airing Janet Jackson’s boob, how much will Fox News be fined for showing penile penetration on their broadcast?
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The Double Standard – deux
This excerpt from an op ed in the Washington Post by Mary McGrory touches on an annoyance I expressed earlier – that the Republicans seem to get away with outrages that the Democrats would have their feet held to [more...]
December 14, 2002
Report on Iraqi prisoner abuses
The U.S. Army report on abuses of Iraqi prisoners is now available at The Smoking Gun. Prepared by Army Maj. Gen. Antonio M. Taguba, the 53-page document details mistreatment of prisoners held in the section of the [more...]
May 5, 2004
Free Speech… except that we’re paying for it
In Australia, President Bush was faced with protesting senators in the Australian Parliament.. who were ejected from the chamber. Mr. Bush remarked, “I love free speech.” I think we already knew that his [more...]
October 23, 2003