That’s what the Republican right has created — an atmosphere where freedoms that America stands for have been set aside, and if you dare to dissent, you’re labeled as unpatriotic.
They’re posturing on the floor of Congress, accusing members who are against the ridiculous, anti-American legislation hilariously named “The PATRIOT Act” of being unpatriotic.
It seems to me that the most patriotic act one could perform is fighting against the restriction of our American liberties, don’t you?
How do you feel about the fact that the government can order a book store or library to turn over lists of your purchases, without even any suspicion of wrongdoing?
And how do the Republicans, the party of “less government interference in our lives,” manage to reconcile this one with their party line?
I’m sure that several people will comment unfavorably on this next thought, accusing me of going too far or something, but… this curtailing of civil liberties in the name of security, the detaining of citizens without charge, demonization and discrimination against one group of people in national law… doesn’t this sound like the steps that Nazi Germany and other fascist states took?