Rick Santorum says that if same-sex marriage is allowed, it would devalue marriage so much that straight couples would stop getting married.
If only you could see my face right now.
Rick Santorum says that if same-sex marriage is allowed, it would devalue marriage so much that straight couples would stop getting married.
If only you could see my face right now.
If you voted for Bush because you thought Gore was more likely to enlarge government, the joke’s on you. From today’s Post: In 2000 George W. Bush campaigned across the country telling voters: “My [more...]
E.J. Dionne points out a quote from President Bush: Bush gave a powerful speech in York, Pa., last week describing his “values.” He declared: “The culture of America is changing from one that has said [more...]
More of the culture of fear back home. I’m glad I’m not in residence today — my condolences to Thom and Jeff, who live even closer to the Pentagon than I did. Pentagon officials are asking the public [more...]