This is the loyalty “form” that attendees to a Cheney appearance had to sign recently. Note the excellent use of grammar: someone named Herby is endorsing the reelection of the United States, whatever that means.
This is the loyalty “form” that attendees to a Cheney appearance had to sign recently. Note the excellent use of grammar: someone named Herby is endorsing the reelection of the United States, whatever that means.
Did you have any doubts that the Bush administration is creating a theocracy? The Bush-Cheney reelection campaign has sent a detailed plan of action to religious volunteers across the country asking them to turn over [more...]
One thing I really hate about the new right wing is their tendency to be complete and utter assholes. Take this story about Fox News, for instance, who call themselves “fair and balanced.” They should be [more...]
Well, it appears that I’d better make the most of the time I have left: an advertising insert in Friday’s Washington Post claims that the average life span of a homosexual is 39 years. That leaves just 9 [more...]