Just As I Thought

Another angle

Isn’t this interesting?

To the editor:

The Opinion page of Aug. 11 contained an article entitled “Gay TV just latest affront to society,” written by Benjamin Nickle, in which Benjamin, based on his personal opinion of homosexuality and non-specific criticisms of TV programs having homosexual participants or themes, asserts that “a strong stand must be taken to defend traditional American values.”

I watch both heterosexual and “gay” TV programming and, when comparing content, generally find programs with gay participants or themes to be less violent, more intelligent, less foul-mouthed, more humorous and more understanding of others.

I am an 80-year-old, secure, heterosexual Marine veteran of World War II and Korea with four adult children and two grandchildren. Perhaps it is my security which prevents me from sharing Benjamin’s fears.

Fred White
Cedar City [Utah]

I’ve been complaining for a long time about the bizarre obsession some right wing fundamentalists have with the whole gay issue when all around them, the heterosexual world is a moral cesspit. Witness such straight role models as Britney Spears.

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