Just As I Thought

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What in the world is NPR doing airing an extended interview with a Bush apologist who does nothing but spew the same campaign talking points that every other Bush operative spews? Ken Melman is the manager of Bush’s campaign, so interviewing him on Morning Edition is nothing more than a campaign commercial. He says, in a very adversarial, argumentative and forceful voice, such stock things as “Kerry’s positions change with the wind” and other crap that has been carefully crafted by Karl Rove and his fellow travelers.
What in the hell was NPR thinking? Where is the news content here? Putting a stridently partisan campaign manager on the air to spew blatant rhetoric for minutes is hardly what I’d call journalism, and just brings NPR down to the same level as the other examples of poor newsgathering… Fox and CBS, I’m talking about you.
At the end of the interview, Steve Inskeep pointed out that tomorrow they will air an interview with the manager of the Kerry campaign, which means another morning of non-news campaigning and rhetoric.

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