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Another year, another design
I have a nagging itch in my head to redesign this blog. You know, I design things for a living, but I can’t ever seem to come up with just the perfect look for my own stuff. So I think, since I will most probably [more...]
August 12, 2004
It’s so nice to know a genius
He tinkered, he tweaked, and he scripted. And he’s found a way to stop those freaks who keep unleashing scripts that spam my blog.
All hail to Jann!
He has his good points, and that’s why I love him.
February 10, 2004
Google searched and searched, and finally got lucky
And there it is: my first appearance on Google’s GIS offerings. Over the years I’ve managed to avoid being caught on Google Maps, then Google Earth, and up until today, Google Street View. They finally [more...]
June 17, 2008