Just As I Thought

Four more years… of fodder for outrage

I guess I’ll have to settle in for another 4 years of posts pointing out the shortcomings of the Bush administration. It’s disappointing, because I was looking forward to gleefully finding all the faults with the Kerry administration just to be fair. Oh, well… it’s so much easier to find fault with Bush because of the un-nuanced, black-and-white pronouncements that come out of the White House.
Like, of course, the idea that we invaded Iraq to prevent weapons from falling into the hands of terrorists. We’ve already had the story of the missing explosives, this morning there’s this one:

Several thousand shoulder-fired missiles — the kind that could be used to shoot down aircraft — are missing in Iraq, and their disappearance has prompted U.S. military and intelligence analysts to increase sharply their estimate of the number of such weapons that may be at large, administration officials said yesterday.

Some U.S. analysts figure that as many as 4,000 surface-to-air missiles once under the control of Saddam Hussein’s government remain unaccounted for. That would raise the number of such missiles outside government hands worldwide to about 6,000.

But a senior defense official said yesterday that military intelligence analysts are having difficulty estimating just how many of the portable missiles may have vanished and how many of those may be in working order and therefore a threat to U.S. and other aircraft.

“We don’t have a good estimate,” the official said. “Some have put forward some figures, but there is none that the Defense Intelligence Agency has confidence in.”

It’s funny — all the horrible things that Bush said would happen in Iraq under Saddam Hussein have instead happened in Iraq under US occupation.

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