Just As I Thought


  • As part of a thank you for some work I did for Pepsi they gave me two six packs of a new soda they were releasing. One was Pepsi spice and the other I think was a holiday Mt Dew (I can’t remember) I’m a diet coke guy so I gave them to my friend the Pepsi lover. He took one sip of each and threw both six packs in the trash.

    You are in fact the very first person I have heard that has anything good to say about Pepsi Spice.

  • Hmm.
    Maybe I like the spice variety because I don’t really like the regular Pepsi. In fact, I almost never drink sodas of any kind ‘cos they’re just too damned sweet (and fattening)…
    And maybe I like it because it will go away soon. smile

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