Perhaps it’s just me being stereotypically gay, but now that the apocalyptic snow storm they were forecasting seems to have petered out, all I can say is:
3 inches? Is that all?
Perhaps it’s just me being stereotypically gay, but now that the apocalyptic snow storm they were forecasting seems to have petered out, all I can say is:
3 inches? Is that all?
Martin Short on Romney: “I’m sure he’s a very nice man. I’ve never met him. I find it fascinating, though, for a party that seems to fear gays as much as they do, that now the Republicans have fallen head-over-heels for [more...]
Why have we become so noisy? Let me preface this little tirade by disclosing a terrible, frightening, personal secret. I have a hearing problem. OK, well, it’s not terrible or frightening, nor really very personal [more...]